Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hispanics and latinos as minorities in America.

I have decided to choose hispanics and latinos as minorities in America to discuss. I feel like a lot of television and media give them a bad press and portray them in a negative light as if they are a burden to society. A major issue raised in America concerning hispanics is the huge increasing number of illegal imigrants fleeing into the country and the birth rates they have. Not only does this create problems with border control and imigration office but it also divides the hispanic commutiy of America. When asked in a survey what should be done with illegal imigrants caught the views differed quite substantionally with a suprising 53% of hispanics exspressing the view that if caught illegally in the country they should be made to pay a fine in order to stay in contrast to that 13% thought that they should be deported. http://pewhispanic.org/.

In America the hispanic community is the fastest growing. 15.5% of the overall population is hispanic making it the largest minority community. Hispanics in America contribute hugely to the work force as they are the most used people used to work labour as they find it harder to get work they agree to do it for less money this has a positive effect on the economy of America but has a negative effect on other Americans.

Taken from the website http://www.poder360.com/article_detail.php?id_article=3607 are the figures of how the hispanics have been voted over the past ten years in presidential lections. "By now, it is well understood among political leaders that the Hispanic population is emerging as a crucial swing constituency. In 2008, Hispanic voters represented about 9 percent of all voters, a substantial increase over previous years, yet still well below the influence those voters could have if they registered and voted at comparable rates to non-Hispanics. But the trend lines are clear. Hispanic voter registration efforts are getting more and more voters to the polls and natural growth ensures that in all future elections Hispanics will represent an ever larger voting bloc. As importantly, Hispanics don’t vote monolithically for one party. President Bush carried nearly half of the Hispanic vote in 2000 and it made all the difference in close states like Florida and New Mexico. In 2008, President Obama carried over 70 percent of the Hispanic vote and again it proved decisive in states like Colorado that swung from the Republican to the Democratic column for the first time in years."

This shows a significant change in ethnic minorites and politics. Politcal parties now see the hispanic vote as a neccessary gain and the difference between winnig and loosing.

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